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From January to June 2009, Jeffrey A. Tabas, MD, University of California, San Francisco, and colleagues examined the participants to live CME courses delivered by the U. S. International AIDS Society , a non-profit organization that brings together the support it receives from the area so that no fund company any particular program. A total of 770 participants completed the questionnaire by 22 points, which focused on beliefs about the financing of trade and the risk of bias, the desire to offset the cost of commercial support, knowledge of production costs of CME programs, and demographic information. The participants included doctors, nurses, nurses, doctors and people with doctorates or other degrees. not, and agree or strongly d ?agreement that commercial support for live CME should be eliminated, however, not say the authors.Commercial financing of continuing medical education and the risk of distortion seem to concern many health professionals and researchers, but many said they were reluctant to pay higher taxes to eliminate or compensate for the sources of trade finance, according to a report in question, May 9 Archives of Internal Medicine.
Experience also suggests that future funding for health technology BioVentures targeting diseases of the poor may require investors to accept the health benefits as part of their overall ?return?.
Although in recent years, the role of producers of pharmaceuticals and medical devices in the direction of the MEC has been reduced, these entities still fund a significant proportion of the costs. Organizations like the Institute of Medicine, the American Association of Medical Colleges and the American Medical Association has called for further reductions or elimination of commercial support for educational activities.
However, this change could shift the costs for participants, and little is known of their attitudes.
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A south Texas mayor has been found dead after apparently being attacked by a 500-pound donkey on his ranch.
The Atascosa County Sheriff's Office said Wednesday that the death of Hollywood Park Mayor William "Bill" Bohlke appears to be an accident.
Bohlke was 65.
Chief Deputy David Soward says Bohlke apparently was attacked Monday morning by an aggressive donkey he kept on the ranch.
Investigators say the donkey and several others are still on the property with other livestock.
"He loved his animals. He loved ranching," said neighbor Sandra Wilson.
According to the neighbor, Bohlke's wife was concerned when he didn't return to his home in Hollywood Park after checking on his animals.
After dark Wilson said several neighbors jumped on all terrain vehicles and went looking for the Air Force veteran.
They found his truck still running, hours after he was attacked.
Soward says it's up to the family to decide what to do with the donkey.
Mayor Pro Tem Steve Phillips will serve as acting mayor of Hollywood Park, a town of about 3,000 just north of San Antonio.
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Although you usually hear about women complaining about their bodies and weight, many men are also concerned with their weight too.? Here are some tips that men can follow to help them lose weight:
Men like to eat;? Not that woman don?t, but you don?t usually see as many women pigging out on food as much as men.? It is ok to splurge every once in a while, but constantly eating high fat and high calorie food is a great way to gain weight.
So, try to make most of the foods you eat be healthy and unprocessed.? Don?t be embarrassed to eat a salad.? And, when you are hanging out with the guys, you can splurge and eat the huge burger and fries or pizza that you would normally eat. See also: How many calories to lose weight
Many men know how to cook.? But, there are also many who don?t, and never bothered to learn.? This causes them to hit the drive through on their way home from work and very likely, get something that is very high in calories and fat.? Learning how to cook can prevent that.? And, learning how to cook doesn?t mean that you have to cook gourmet meals for yourself.
It also doesn?t mean preheating the oven for a frozen pizza or mozzarella sticks.? Just learning how to saut? some vegetables or make pasta or rice would be a good start.? It is much better to eat whole foods and avoid frozen, processed foods when cooking at home. See also How to cook healthier meals
A lot of men have a goal of hypertrophy, or increased muscle mass, when they are working out.? Often times, they will be looking for quick results, so will lift too much, which can cause them to injure themselves.? This can actually make it so they can?t work out for a while, or at least until their injury is healed.
The recommended amount to lift with a goal of hypertrophy is 70-85% or your 1RM, or one repetition maximum.? One repetition maximum is the maximum amount that you can lift and do one repetition for an exercise.? For example, if you can do one repetition of a bicep curl with 50 pound weights, you should lift between 35 and 42 pounds for a goal of hypertrophy.
This goes for anyone.? If you are constantly doing the same workout every day, you are eventually going to plateau.? To fix that problem, you need to constantly be changing your workout.? You should try different exercises to work each muscle.? You need to increase the weight once the one you are using becomes too heavy.? You should also increase the reps or sets that you are doing.
Changing your cardio is important too because if you are always running 5 miles as your cardio workout, it may get boring, but your body is also going to get used to it.? You might want to try biking, spin, kickboxing, or even walking.
Mindless eating is what causes many people to either gain weight, or prevents them from losing weight. Most people do this when they are watching TV at night.? Some people may even eat just as many calories that they have eaten for the whole day while they are snacking at night.? So, if you make a rule that you aren?t allowed to eat anything after dinner, or even just allow yourself to have one healthy snack, it may make a huge difference.
A lot of men like to drink beer.? And, the heavier the beer, or the higher the alcohol content, usually the better it tastes.? But, that also means that it most likely contains a lot more calories.? When you are out having a few drinks with your friends, the calories can add up.? Let?s say that the 12 oz beer you are drinking has 180 calories in it, and you drink 5 of them.? That?s an extra 720 calories!? You may want to look into a light beer, or if you don?t want to drink that, try a lower calorie mixed drink such as a vodka tonic.
You shouldn?t just be doing cardio to lose weight, and you shouldn?t just lift weights to gain muscle.? You need to incorporate both into a workout program, and also need to include some flexibility training.? It is very important to warm up and cool down every time you work out, and stretching should be part of that.? This can help prevent injury.
A lot of people aren?t sure what they should be doing.?? It might even be a good idea to invest in a personal trainer if you can afford it, or sometimes you can even get a free session when you join a gym.
This may be obvious, but a lot of people don?t know what they should be eating.? Of course it is best to avoid fast food and processed or frozen food.? You should try to include a lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet.? Also, try to avoid white bread or other white flour products and try to eat whole grains such as whole wheat pasta and bread or brown rice.? Also, try to eat lean meats.
Although you might want to eat hot dogs and hamburgers as your source of protein, try to include some baked fish or chicken a few times a week also as these are lower in fat and calories, and are much better for you.? Also, try to eat healthy fats such as olive oil, avocado, and coconut oil instead of butter.
Many people aren?t aware of how much salt they are using, and eating too much salt can cause you to retain water, which may prevent you from losing weight.? It will cause you to feel bloated if you eat too much salt.? So, be very careful when salting your food.? Avoiding frozen, canned, or packaged foods can also help cut down on the amount of sodium you are including in your diet.
Many people aren?t aware of the calories that are in the beverages that they are drinking.? You don?t want to drink your calories.? Drinking higher calorie beverages can really add a lot of calories to your total calorie count for the day.? You probably already know that soda has a lot of calories in it.? But, some juices also contain a lot of calories.
Energy drinks can be high in calories.? Milk is always a good choice since it is high in protein and has important vitamins and minerals in it.? Try drinking lower fat or fat free milk though.? Water is of course the best choice.
See also best healthy weight loss drinks?and 50 Weight loss tips
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Kelly is a registered Dietetic Technician. She has a Master?s degree in Exercise Science and Health Promotion and she is also a NASM certified personal trainer. You can connect with her on Google+
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I was a bit startled to realize on my birthday this past Monday, August 27th, that it was indeed the 10th anniversary of the release of my second solo CD, All Six Senses.? I had what still feels like an idyllic, dreamlike time recording those songs out in Marin County, CA with producer Scott Mathews at his Tiki Town Studios.? Over the past few days, I?ve spent some time listening to those tracks with my friend Amy, who played them, intermingled with other tunes, from her iPod in her car.? It is sometimes annoying to listen to old recordings, but this time I really?dug hearing some songs that have mostly fallen away from the set list (?Cling To You,? ?I Skate Alone?) and others that have become standard fare (?Holy River,? ?First Sight?).? It is a very rewarding feeling to listen and feel that All Six Senses, for the most part, really does sound like the songs that I had in my head.? It does a decent job of expressing snapshots of the spiritual growth spurt I was in when I wrote these songs (there is the one cover ? a slow, jazzy take on ?Cruel to be Kind?).? I hope it might still manage to inspire anyone listening to examine their own lives and take their own journeys.
I remembered how much I enjoy these tunes and the recordings of them, and then I remembered another anniversary.? It would take more than a short blog entry to tell the many stories and make even an attempt at the impact, but the super-short version is that I was (and still am) blessed in life to have met and gotten to know one of my greatest musical/lyrical/cultural heroes, Warren Zevon.? Since meeting him at The Stone Pony (his show [opening for The Band!] was August 26, 1994 ? his after-midnight autograph says August 27th ? now this story is even stranger), we kept in touch.? The day after my official, yet totally indie release of All Six Senses, it occurred to me that I hadn?t heard from WZ in a while.? I happily tapped out a long e-mail asking him what was going on, telling him about my life, the new recording, everything.? The response I got back was very brief:
He was ill.
?My lungs and liver are shot? he wrote.
I didn?t know, and couldn?t have comprehended on that day the seriousness of what he was saying.? If it wasn?t that very day that he?d gotten the diagnosis of inoperable mesothelioma, it was within a day or so at the very most.? I don?t have words for what I felt, or really know what I did the rest of that shocking day.
He asked me to send a copy along to him, so even in the midst of coping with finality he took the time to listen to All Six Senses.? He said he enjoyed it, was glad I was continuing to work on the music, and advised me to ?keep chanting.?? I?ve definitely managed to do that.
I could say more ? try to create some storyline about the impact of cosmic crossroads or the mystical fusion of wonderful-horrible anniversaries.? I won?t.? I will just try to sit with it all as it happened, and with my own uncomfortable twinge at having been moved to share this ball of entwined emotions with you tonight.
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Here are some things to watch for at the GOP convention Tuesday:
1. WHERE'S MITT? The presumptive nominee arrives in Tampa, Fla., on Tuesday. Will he make a surprise visit to the convention hall? Maybe drop in to give his wife a grateful hug after her speech? The campaign is only confirming that Mitt Romney will be in town in time for her remarks.
2. WHERE'S ISAAC? The path of the storm barreling up the Gulf Coast may also dictate the trajectory of the GOP convention. If Isaac slams into New Orleans or does big damage elsewhere, conventioneers will have to decide whether to soften their tone or dampen their celebrations to show empathy with storm victims.
3. ANN'S BIG NIGHT: She's been out there more and more, inviting cameras into her family's summer home and tearfully describing how husband Mitt helped her through a devastating diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Now Ann Romney gets her biggest audience yet and her best opportunity to tell the world what her man's really like.
4. RON'S RENEGADES: Will they make a fuss? Ron Paul supporters are trying to mount a floor fight to challenge new rules designed to limit the ability of insurgent candidates to amass delegates to future GOP conventions. They could raise a ruckus by waving Paul signs and shouting his name, when the convention wants to focus on Romney-Ryan.
5. LASSOING THE BASE: Social conservatives, fiscal conservatives, tea partyers, Paul supporters, Rick Santorum diehards. They're all part of the Republican base. What diverse notes will the convention speakers hit in hopes of herding them quietly into line behind Romney? Perhaps shared disdain for President Barack Obama will be enough.
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Jacques Bensimon,?a filmmaker who headed the National Film Board of Canada?during a key turning point in its history, died on the weekend at the age of 69.
A funeral will be held for him in Montreal on Monday.
Born in Morocco and raised in Canada, Bensimon headed the NFB from 2001 to 2006. When he took the helm in July 2001, the organization was still adjusting to federal cuts totalling $26 million ? or about 32% of its yearly budget?? between 1994 and 1998. He was widely credited with improving not only the NFB?s operations but its staff morale.
?Jacques was my mentor, my colleague and my friend,? said Tom Perlmutter,?the current Government Film Commissioner and president of the NFB, in a statement. ?He was passionate, intense and whole-heartedly devoted to filmmakers and filmmaking. He came back to the NFB as its head out of a sense of obligation for an institution, which he felt was absolutely vital for the future of filmmaking in Canada.?
Before taking the helm of the NFB, Bensimon had been the VP of the Banff Television Foundation. Previous to that, from 1986-2000, he was the director general of TFO, the French arm of Ontario pubcaster TVOntario.
Prior to that he?d worked for 20 years at the NFB in various roles, including as a producer, director, writer and editor. From 1981 to 1986 he was also chairman of the board?s French programming committee as well as its director of international programming.
He received the Order of Canada in 2005 for his efforts. In 1998 he received France?s Chevalier de l?Ordre des Arts et des Lettres for his work in promoting French culture around the world. ?In 1994 he was an advisor to the French government in its work in creating its first educational TV network.
Most recently in 2011 he?d been a consultant to the Brazilian Television Producers (BTVP) association, helping in the creation of the Rio Content Market.
Tags: Brazilian TV Producers, Jacques Bensimon, National Film Board of Canada
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ScienceDaily (Aug. 27, 2012) ? Squid's colorful, changeable skin enables the animal -- and their close relatives, cuttlefish and octopus -- to display extraordinary camouflage, the speed and diversity of which is unmatched in the animal kingdom.
But how squid control their skin's iridescence, or light-reflecting property, which is responsible for the animal's sparkly rainbow of color, has been unknown.
In a new study, MBL (Marine Biological Laboratory) researchers Paloma Gonzalez Bellido and Trevor Wardill and their colleagues report that nerves in squid skin control the animal's spectrum of shimmering hues -- from red to blue -- as well as their speed of change. The work marks the first time neural control of iridescence in an invertebrate species has been demonstrated.
Squid skin is extraordinary because it has two ways to produce color and pattern. Pigmented organs called chromatophores create patterns with yellow, red, and brown colors. Underneath the pigments, iridophores, aggregations of iridescent cells in the skin, reflect light and add blue, green, and pink colors to the overall appearance of the skin. Collectively these two groups of skin elements can create spectacular optical illusions with patterns of color, brightness, and contrast change.
"For 20 years we have been wondering how the dynamically changeable iridescence is controlled by the squid," says study co-author Roger Hanlon. "At long last we have clean evidence that there are dedicated nerve fibers that turn on and tune the color and brightness of iridophores. It is not an exaggeration to call this "electric skin." The complex nerve network distributed throughout the squid's skin instantly coordinates tens of thousands of chromatophores with iridescent reflectors for rapidly changing behaviors ranging from camouflage to signaling."
Working with longfin inshore squid (Doryteuthis pealeii), the researchers took a new approach to investigating the mystery behind the iridophore control mechanism. By tracing a highly branched network of nerves and stimulating them electrically, they found that they could activate progressive color shifts from red and orange to yellow, green, and blue in just 15 seconds. The findings suggest that the specific color of each iridophore, as well as speed of change, is controlled by the nervous system, as is spatial chromatophore patterning that occurs in the skin layer just above.
How squid choose and hold particular skin colors to help camouflage themselves remains unknown and is particularly interesting because the animals are completely colorblind.
"One possibility is the animals do not care about the color of the iridophores, but shifting the color from red to blue will dramatically increase the relative brightness of iridophores," says Wardill. "This is because squid see predominantly blue light. Blue light is especially important in the ocean as it penetrates best into deeper water."
The study, co-authored by Gonzalez Bellido, Wardill, Hanlon of the MBL and Robyn Crook of University of Texas Medical School at Houston appeared in the August 15th issue of the journal Biological Sciences. The work was funded by grants from the Office of Naval Research (ONR), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and Air Force Office of Scientific Research.
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Marine Biological Laboratory.
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Arthritis afflicts numerous individuals who are looking for techniques to deal with their problem. A lot of instances of joint disease aren?t curable, but you can protect against and address it. The next article gives you guidance to do just that.
Enable your personal doctor check out deficiencies. When you find yourself reduced on vitamins or vitamins and minerals you may have an arthritis flare up. Possessing this checked out on a regular basis can help decrease the danger of discomfort, simply because you?ll be capable of maintain healthful degrees.
Have your eyes checked routinely for those who have been identified as having rheumatism. This problem has got the possible ways to have an impact on your vision, causing blindness. If you have any signs such as pain, soreness, blurry perspective, or improved lighting susceptibility, this is often an alert indication. Make sure you continue to be in contact with your medical professional and ophthalmologist for ways to handle vision problems related to joint disease.
A diet regime loaded with Nutritional D will help to prevent rheumatism as well as decrease the occurrence of flare-ups. There exists significant evidence to suggest that vitamin D shortage can lead to increased chance of arthritis. Generally, just ten minutes every day in the sunshine will do to get a honest skinned individual to have the nutritional D they require. In the winter months, or when you are of more dark skin area, consider supplement D dietary supplements.
You need to acquire special care to have adequate sleeping when you have rheumatoid arthritis. Continual rest breaks are crucial so that you can unwind mind and body while treating the joint pain. Despite the fact that you ought to get plenty of rest, acquiring too much can be harmful. A good stability involving sleeping along with an active life is what has to be acquired to assist remember your rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.
You should regularly get sufficient levels of sleep, and that may possibly require you to get an occasional snooze. Sleeping for some time the same time frame each day are often very useful when you are reducing rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.
If you do reduced impact exercise routines, you will definitely get rid of some of the soreness brought on by your rheumatoid arthritis. Get questions or worries you may have to your doctor prior to starting doing exercises.
Consider going for a bathtub or a bath for pain alleviation. Equally muscles and joints are soothed and peaceful by hot water. Remain within the water so long as you need, and keep the bathroom warm so that your muscle tissues will never firm up up once you move out.
In case your Body mass index is above 25, take it as a result of minimize the amount of stress on the important joints. Also a few extra pounds can add unnecessary stress to the joints resulting in soreness and even more damage. Being an additional positive, managing your unwanted weight leads to many other health and fitness benefits.
Ingest a good amount of proteins. When you have arthritis, your system needs much more proteins than prior to. If you are a vegan, it really is particularly crucial that you can find healthful causes of healthy proteins, and eat them routinely to prevent soreness and inflammation.
Stress can make numerous problems more serious, including arthritis. If you are really stressed out, the anguish will feel far more strong. Look for a method for issuing your worries, sometimes from an interest or relaxing strategies, like relaxation or Pilates. Also, stay away from exceedingly stress filled conditions.
It might be beneficial to have a log to trace when you suffer from soreness linked to your joint inflammation. You need to take note every time you sense discomfort and the things which you are carrying out when the ache happens. Be sure to include any details which may be useful to a doctor, such just like you experienced ignored a medication. The greater details you are able to give your medical professional regarding your condition, the higher. Your medical professional requires every piece of information you provide him into consideration when making or altering your plan for treatment.
As you know, if you?re a persistent arthritis patient and from looking at the beginning of this informative article, arthritis causes it to become challenging of going about every day tasks. In case you are an rheumatoid arthritis patient, with any luck , this information has shown you some thing you can consider to control your trouble and initiate residing much better.Sound Advice For Helping To Ease Joint inflammation
Joint inflammation afflicts numerous individuals who are searching for solutions to control their problem. Numerous circumstances of rheumatoid arthritis aren?t curable, however, you can stop and treat it. The following article will provide you with advice to accomplish that.
Get started healing severe joint inflammation the moment you happen to be told you have it. Though joint disease is incurable, it is possible to relieve some of your soreness and other signs and symptoms quicker by seeking remedy instantly after you are told you have the disorder. Early on therapy also requires going to a doctor, acquiring diagnosed, and taking the medications you?re recommended.
Problems like osteoarthritis may justify an assessment by using a medical expert about the opportunity of power excitement. Electrical activation not just relaxes irritation, but can also relieve pain.
Joint disease patients experienced some achievements in easing ache by engaging in reduced-affect workout routines, like skating and wandering. If training frightens you inside your problem, speak with your personal doctor first.
You can be helped by training when you have joint inflammation, nevertheless, you need to only exercise for quick periods at any given time. You might struggle to force on your own as tough as others, but each and every little will help to continue to keep bones flexible and robust. You must aim for a total of 30 minutes of exercising each day. Crack the 40 moment complete up into about three increments of 10-20 minutes each and every.
Yoga and fitness workout routines are perfect for arthritis. Yoga exercise helps for pleasure, joint flexibility and stretching out muscle tissue. You might find empathetic fellow sufferers by signing up for a yoga exercise type. Yoga exercises will also assist you to chill out and enable you to make contact with the body.
Relax inside a seat, shut your vision, and check out some deep breathing. Carrying out this should help you concentrate on something diffrent and sense much less discomfort.
Continue to keep studying joint inflammation. There are a number of academic rheumatoid arthritis websites and many of them offer an solution that lets you sign up for a newsletter.
Get useful devices. The proper equipment may help you carry out careers with arthritis. Units including side rails for the washroom, as well as simple to look at jars make coping with rheumatoid arthritis simpler, enabling you to keep even more of your self-sufficiency. These tools can help you to conduct day to day tasks effortlessly.
Eating snacks is a wonderful approach to provide your whole body with nutrients, even when joint inflammation might be attempting to wreck the day. Remain with healthier goody possibilities including plant seeds, almonds, fruits or retail store-purchased treats for example natural and organic healthy proteins bars. Treats which are healthy gives you that press to keep proceeding with out weighing you down with sea salt and sweets.
Make sure to stay healthy and productive to keep your joint inflammation at bay. If bodyweight-showing physical exercise is a concern for you, try a lower-influence exercise, including fishing or h2o aerobic exercises. Furthermore this type of water minimize tension, but it additionally massages your body as you shift. You are certain to find participation in drinking water treatment method beneficial in dealing with rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.
Get a stroll after evening meal. By taking a daily walk after supper you can settle several of the meals that you?ve eaten, find some good essential exercising, and increase your energy throughout the night time. Even a short move by using a friend or family member can be good for your health, and provide you with time using that particular person which you might not otherwise have.
The recommendation presented on this page must allow you to, mainly because it has other people, in increasing the caliber of their lives. The good news is that by using action you may overcome your pain and lower your joint inflammation-relevant signs.
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PRLog (Press Release) - Aug 25, 2012 -The book features best-selling authors Deepak Chopra (The Power of Purpose), Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul), & Dr. Denis Waitley (featured in The Secret). Lisa Priestly, Chopra, Canfield, and Waitley, are joined by other well-known authors and speakers, each offering time-tested strategies for success in frank and intimate interviews.
Stepping Stones to Success highlights Lisa Priestly?s top notch, client-customized wellness programs. Drawing from her extensive experience in a range of fields ? from business executive and entrepreneur to personal trainer and wellness coach ? Lisa synthesizes best practices and tailors each program to the individual client or small client groups. For the last 20 years, she has inspired clients to recognize their potential and helped empower them to pursue and actualize their goals.
After completing a BA from Spelman College she began her career in corporate sales and development. Lisa worked for Fortune 100 Companies, including Johnson& Johnson and American Express. Today her corporate savvy combines with her personal passion for fitness in her co-ownership of WholeLifeStyles Inc., a NYC based Wellness Company.
WholeLifeStyles is dedicated to improving the quality of life utilizing practical health and wellness solutions. Her work is creative and resourceful, drawing upon diverse disciplines.
Fitness, Fuel and Focus is unique and flexible program developed by Lisa. This system integrates the fruits of her personal journey and advanced studies of strength training, yoga, Ayurveda, meditation and martial arts. Lisa?s approach was most recently featured in the Essence Magazine?s Total Day of Health speaking and inspiring for 400 women. She was also featured in Competitor Magazine as the first African American Woman to complete in the Race Across America in June 2010, a 3005- mile team relay bicycle race across the USA.
She has also shared her expertise on the NBC Today Show, MSMBC and in print; Prevention, Essence and Fitness Magazines on local radio.
For more information on how Lisa Priestly inspire your employees at our next meeting or corporate event; or to purchase a copy of her latest book of Stepping Stones to Success, (hot link to paypal check out) Or contact Lisa at:
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Our client is a Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) consultancy that specialises in helping businesses and organisations improve their search engine visibility. With an approach centred on optimising search engine rankings to deliver clients more business they pride themselves on applying high quality and ethical SEO practices to deliver sustainable results.? ?Due to continued growth, they now have an exciting opening for a SEO Executive to work from their Edgware based office.
As a London based SEO Executive you will be responsible for content generation and management, including management of the copy writing resource, online PR and article distribution, guest blog sourcing and generation and the optimisation of client website content. You will cover keyword research, ranking reports and client progression reports, research the development and promotion of client infographics and whitepapers and SEO process investigation, training and development. Ultimately, you will build and manage client link building prospect spreadsheets including directory submissions and business listing sites, basic social media management on sites like Facebook and Twitter and deliver SEO audits. Further information is available through contacting Certus Marketing.
The ideal candidate will possess a minimum of 6 months SEO experience gained working as a SEO specialist in either an agency or in-house environment. You will have excellent English writing skills, copy writing experience, knowledge of SEO techniques and show strong creative and innovation skills. You will have solid analytical skills, be well organized and focused and have the ability to handle pressure and work towards deadlines. This role requires excellent communication skills and the ability to work independently as well as within a team.
The successful candidate can expect a base salary circa 20k plus generous benefits.
Certus is an established and experienced specialist sales recruitment and marketing recruitment consultancy, providing sales and marketing recruitment services to the business to business marketplace throughout the UK. We are experts in the recruitment of internal and external (field sales) sales professionals from Graduate & Sales Trainee through to Sales Manager and Sales Director levels. With specialist Sales divisions covering: Commercial Sales, FMCG, Information, Financial, Medical and Pharmaceutical, IT/Technology (Software, Hardware, Telco and Services), Media, Rec2Rec and a Marketing division covering everything from Marketing Executives through to PR Managers and Marketing Director level positions; we are well positioned to deliver cost effective recruitment solutions in a timely manner. To find out more about Certus, please visit and
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Local young people prepare the ground for tree plantings at the Urban Releaf ceremony in Oakland, Calif., on Aug. 20.
Urban forests are a vital part of our nation?s cities ? they clean the air we breathe, capture pollution and stormwater and beautify our neighborhoods. Urban trees save cities millions of dollars in energy costs every year just from shade alone. U.S. Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell has called urban trees ?the hardest working trees in America.?
Tidwell underscored that statement during a recent visit Oakland, Calif. to view Urban Releaf?s greening and community-building efforts. He presented Kemba Shakur, executive director, a check for $181,000 to support education and demonstrations projects, as well as tree planting and maintenance throughout the Oakland area.
At the presentation, Tidwell noted that 94 percent of all Californians live in urban areas.
?There?s no question about the benefits of having urban forests; the clean air, the clean water, the wildlife habitat that it creates, the energy savings that occur from the shade that?s provided from our trees,? he said. ?But the other key part about it is the quality of life that?s provided by having green areas in our communities and the jobs that come with urban forestry.?
Shakur founded Urban Releaf 14 years ago and has planted an estimated 15,000 trees in low-income East Bay communities and provided employment opportunities for at-risk youth and unemployed adults. She has received a People Magazine Hero Award 2012 as well as several other national and local awards.
?I think Kemba?s passion is planting trees, restoring her neighborhood and trying to help her community all at the same time,? said Sandy Macias, urban and community forestry program manager. ?That?s where she draws her strength and her energy.?
Speakers for the ceremony included Tidwell, Regional Forester Randy Moore, CALFIRE Director Ken Pimlott, Oakland Mayor Jean Quan, City Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan and Macias.? A tree planting ceremony took place immediately following the speakers.
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The Red Goat Climbing Company, on Layerthorpe's Redeness Street, is opening its doors to welcome climbers and members of the public of all abilities and ages.
Adam said: ?Indoor climbing centres were once used by people for training purposes when they didn?t have access to the outdoors, but now are a sport and recreation facility in their own right. They are a much more social alternative to a gym for many people, with no intention of climbing outside.?
Recent research by Sport England indicated that the sport will overtake its traditional outdoor counterpart as the country's most popular mountaineering activity within six to 12 months.
Of the different types of indoor climbing on offer, rope-free bouldering is luring most new customers.
Requiring no more equipment than a chalk bag and climbing shoes, it is as much about balance and gymnastic ability as it is about strength and stamina. Climbers are invited to tackle ?problems? on low walls, denoted by coloured 'holds'. Each route is graded by ability, so users can chart progress as they clamber around artificial features.
Nikki added: ?In a way, women take to it more easily, they are more gymnastic and have better natural balance ? men tend to muscle through with the strength that they have. ?If you went to a climbing wall ten or 20 years ago it would be male dominated, but as a sport it's very accessible to everyone."
The Red Goat will be open daily from 11am until 10pm and weekends 10am until 8pm. ?Further information is available by calling 01904 731548.
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ScienceDaily (Aug. 23, 2012) ? Ninety-six percent of a chimpanzee's genome is the same as a human's. It's the other 4 percent, and the vast differences, that pique the interest of Georgia Tech's Soojin Yi. For instance, why do humans have a high risk of cancer, even though chimps rarely develop the disease?
In research published in September's American Journal of Human Genetics, Yi looked at brain samples of each species. She found that differences in certain DNA modifications, called methylation, may contribute to phenotypic changes. The results also hint that DNA methylation plays an important role for some disease-related phenotypes in humans, including cancer and autism.
"Our study indicates that certain human diseases may have evolutionary epigenetic origins," says Yi, a faculty member in the School of Biology. "Such findings, in the long term, may help to develop better therapeutic targets or means for some human diseases. "
DNA methylation modifies gene expression but doesn't change a cell's genetic information. To understand how it differs between the two species, Yi and her research team generated genome-wide methylation maps of the prefrontal cortex of multiple humans and chimps. They found hundreds of genes that exhibit significantly lower levels of methylation in the human brain than in the chimpanzee brain. Most of them were promoters involved with protein binding and cellular metabolic processes.
"This list of genes includes disproportionately high numbers of those related to diseases," said Yi. "They are linked to autism, neural-tube defects and alcohol and other chemical dependencies. This suggests that methylation differences between the species might have significant functional consequences. They also might be linked to the evolution of our vulnerability to certain diseases, including cancer."
Yi, graduate student Jia Zeng and postdoctoral researcher Brendan Hunt worked with a team of researchers from Emory University and UCLA. The Yerkes National Primate Research Center provided the animal samples used in the study. It was also funded by the Georgia Tech Fund for Innovation in Research and Education (GT-FIRE) and National Science Foundation grants (MCB-0950896 and BCS-0751481). The content is solely the responsibility of the principal investigators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NSF.
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by Matt Ledger Cat Walk Chatt
A Wisconsin-based group has filed a complaint against a Walker County football coach for violating separation of church and state.Freedom From Religion Foundation says coach Mark Mariakis has, among other wrongs, allowed churches to prepare meals for his players. The complaint alleges, for example, that Solid Rock Baptist Church in Flintstone held a dinner in which a church leader ?preached? to the team.
There are other, equally serious, violations, said Andrew Seidel with the foundation, which consists of ?atheists, agnostics, freethinkers, heretics and nonbelievers,? according to its website.
Seidel, an atheist, said there are allegations that Mariakis, who participates in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, prayed with his team, used Bible verses in motivational speeches and on team shirts, and held Christian football camps during summer break.
?I do have reservations about (Mariakis?) ability to keep his religion out of his job,? Seidel said. ?He seems to be very proud that he mixes football and God, which would be fine if he were at a private Christian school. But as a public high school coach, that?s unconstitutional.?
Seidel said the foundation filed the complaint Tuesday, Aug. 21, with Walker County school administrators. The complaint originated in late July from someone involved with Ridgeland High?s football program, he said.
Seidel declined to say who filed the initial complaint, in order to protect the person from possible retributions from the public.
Walker County school superintendent Damon Raines said school officials are reviewing the complaint.
?Our first step is to look at the allegations and then begin to look into it in the manner of which we should,? Raines said. ?We are getting more information that gives us plenty to review and then we will work through the process.?
Seidel posed a scenario in which coach Mariakis is Moslem, taking the players to a mosque for team dinners. He said that, in such a situation, there would be significant public outcry against the coach.
Regarding the summer camps, Seidel said, ?You are pressured to go to that (Christian football) camp if you want to play. You are looked down upon if you don?t go to that camp.?
?Playing time should strictly be based on merit, not on religious conviction,? he said.
He said the foundation is seeking ?immediate action to stop any and all violations of the First Amendment.?
?The purpose is to protect the constitutional principle of separation between church and state,? Seidel wrote in the complaint.
At the crux of the complaint is the First Amendment violation that occurs when faculty members inject religion into their professional roles as an educator or even as a coach, Seidel said. The foundation isn?t seeking to stop students from practicing their religion, only to end the perceived pushing of a particular religion by an employee, he said.
?We?re not trying to cause this school district financial ruin,? Seidel said. ?We just want the Constitution to be followed and we think that everybody should want that.?
All policies regarding prayer are set locally, not by the Georgia Department of Education, according to Matt Cardoza, director of communications at GDOE.
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WOODLANDS/ROSSER - The Rosser-Woodlands Recreation Commission (RWRC) has a new recreation and special events coordinator, and she?s eager to lend her experience to the role.
Fiona Smith-Bell has taken on the job, replacing outgoing coordinator Chris Proctor. Proctor has been with the commission since it was created, and has been the driving force behind numerous programs the commission has undertaken, including open gym nights held in the community and the South Interlake Great Ei8ht Challenge.
Proctor is leaving the position to attend medical school in the fall, and looks back fondly on his years with the RWRC.
?It?s been a great couple of years, the commission has really seemed to get into the public eye,? Proctor says of his time with the RWRC.
?I think for all these small towns, having a regional, more broad scope kind of group looking out for them is a big plus.?
His replacement has more than her fair share of experience in sports and rec. Smith-Bell, an inductee into the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame (she originally hails from Edam, SK), was named captain of the first Saskatchewan women?s hockey team to play in the Canada Winter Games, according to the hall of fame?s website.
The site?s profile of her says Smith-Bell also played for the Canadian national women?s team from 1994 until her retirement in 2002. While with the team, she played in the Three Nations Cup multiple times, winning three gold and one silver medal. She has also earned gold medals from the International Ice Hockey Federation Women?s World Championship and the Pacific Rim Championship.
She was also part of the Canadian women?s team which played in the 1998 Winter Olympics, where they won silver.
Smith-Bell was inducted into the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame just this past June. She moved to Stonewall with her family nearly three years ago.
She says she?s ?really looking forward? to taking over the job at the RWRC. She says that, coming from a small town herself, she understands the importance of building rec programs from the ground up.
?I realize the importance of community, and reaching out not only to the grass roots level, but to all age levels,? she says.
?I know the community is going to have to adjust to me, because Chris is so well known. I?m looking forward to going out into the communities and reaching out and meeting some new faces... I think it?ll be a great experience.?
Her experience playing hockey at the national and international level have also contributed to her understanding of the importance of sport.
?Sport has given me so many opportunities and taught me so many life lessons,? Smith-Bell says.
?I?ve been very fortunate that I?ve been able to compete at the elite level, and loved every minute of it.?
She says she?s also taught at fastball camps, taught power skating and coached soccer over the years.
?I think, in general, healthy living and going out and living an active lifestyle... I just believe it?s so important to stay healthy and go out into the communities and give them opportunities.?
While Proctor will be handing over the reins of the commission to Smith-Bell, he says he?ll be around in a limited capacity for a little while yet to help her transition into the role.
Smith-Bell says she plans on building on what the commission already has in place, but she?s brainstorming new types of programming as well. Specifically, she?s very interested in looking at possible before-school programs which involve physical activity, to get kids active in the morning before school. Smith-Bell is a big fan of morning workouts and says it contributes to better overall energy levels throughout the day.
The RWRC can be reached by phone at (204) 461-4040, or by e-mail at Smith-Bell begins at the commission full-time Sept. 5.
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