Eating healthy ? a simple first step!
Your health matters to God. It?s one of the greatest blessings He?s provided you (just ask someone who is not healthy). And the simple and weighty truth is that you will answer to God for how you have cared for your health. That?s why eating healthy matters.
I know it?s hard to make changes in this area (read my story). Eating healthy is not only confusing (what really IS healthy?), but also hard to do once you?ve set a pattern of not eating healthy.
Too often people who want to begin eating healthy make the mistake of biting off more than they can chew (no pun intended? OK, maybe a pun WAS intended). They try to do:
- too much
- too fast
- with inadequate preparation
Very few people can truly begin eating healthy by taking an all-or-nothing approach. I think it?s better if you ease into it. Take one or two baby steps at a time to get yourself started on the right track. I?ve already shown you my Super Smoothie (video) ? now I want to show you my daily lunch special to get you started eating healthy!
A salad a day keeps the Doctor away
This type of salad is what my family eats almost every day at lunch. If you like salad already, this shouldn?t be that much of a step for you. The hardest part will be figuring out a system so that it?s easy to do on a daily basis (I?ll give you some tips on that below).
As you can see? it?s a pretty colorful salad. What do we put in our salads? Any or all of the following:
- Dark green lettuce of various types (Romaine, Green Leaf, Red Leaf, Spring Mix, Arugula, Spinach)
- Cabbage (red or green)
- Onions (red, white, or yellow) ? great cancer-fighters, by the way!
- Mushrooms (any type) ? another great cancer fighter!
- Beans (any kind)
- Peas or snow peas
- Corn
- Beet slices
- Green, red, or yellow bell peppers
- Seeds of all types (sesame, pumpkin, chia, etc.)
- Nuts of all types (cashews, walnuts, almonds, etc.)
- Radishes
- Avocados
- Tomatoes
- Cucumbers
- Raisins
- Craisins (dried cranberries)
If you don?t like salad, you?ll have a harder time ? but I can guarantee you, if you make the effort and get into the habit, you?ll not only come to enjoy salad, you?ll also benefit in some amazing ways!
- Salad contains less calories than it requires for your body to digest it. TRANSLATION: Automatic weight loss.
- Greens are some of the most nutrient dense foods that exist. TRANSLATION: Disease killers.
- Greens are also one of the best cancer-fighters out there. TRANSLATION: Cancer gets a punch in it?s ugly nose.
- Combining your greens with nuts and seeds increases the cancer-fighting properties of the salad by a factor of 10! TRANSLATION: Cancer gets a body-slam!
So, start with a salad a day.
Making a salad a day do-able
The hardest part for us was in the chopping. If you?ve spent time in the kitchen at all you know what a time-consumer it can be. Instead of trying to chop up condiments and lettuce every single day, we take one day to do the following?
The Vidalia Chop Wizard
One final caution
One of the things about doing a salad a day in order to start eating healthy is that there is an easily overlooked problem. That?s the issue of salad dressing. Most salad dressings are based in oil, which is not a good thing for health or weight loss.
Most people don?t know this, but within 3 minutes of consuming food-type oil, your body has converted it to fat and stored it on your body. Not good. Not good at all.
Here are three things I?d suggest: (hardcore, medium, and easy)
- Learn to eat your salad with no dressing at all. (hardcore)
- Learn to eat your salad with salsa of your choice. (medium)
- Use some of Dr. Fuhrman?s no-oil salad dressings. (easy)
Whatever you do, start!
This salad-a-day thing may sound pretty radical to you. I understand. So do what you feel like you can do. 3 Times a week? Once a week? You?ve got to start someplace, so do what you can to get on the eating healthy train!
What are some suggestions or problems you might have related to having a salad a day?
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